Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I'm running a few errands with the little one and my sister. It's supposed to be hot here today, so I wanted to go with something casual, but cute.

Maxi dress: Target
Flip flops: Old Navy
Bangels: JC Penney

Monday, May 30, 2011


I'm from the Midwest. Fashion isn't really a top priority where I live, but there are the select few who I see out and about and I always think, "I want to look like them!"

I think I have a pretty good fashion sense, but the problem for me is A. Money and B. Finding time to go shopping. I have a toddler who doesn't like to sit still for more than a minute, so I find it hard to go shopping when I'm not alone.

The purpose of this blog is to document the transformation from boring stay-at-home mom to fashionista. I'll start by posting some looks I'm loving right now and purchases I want to make in the near future.

These are on sale for $64.99 at Nordstrom right now!